D'Angelo_Oil Painting.JPG

Rachel R. D’Angelo

Artist makin stuff

nature, texture, iceland, moody, photography, otherworldly iceland, underground, underworld, otherwordly, woodland,

Artist Statement

Nothing is ever really thrown away, just put into a new context. I find objects that are discarded and give them a new life through my work. I push the limits of these found objects, and other recycled materials to see what they’re capable of becoming. In my hands they reform into sculpture that embody my experiences, questioning reality and my place in it. These forms are an experimentation of materials, a mad scientist experiment, a result of those thoughts you have in the middle of the night. Through these sculptures, perhaps we’ll even befriend parts of being human we are reluctant to accept. My work connects me to these objects’ past lives and their former owners. It grants these objects new life and belonging in a community of misfits where none are out of place in the world. If I can achieve this goal, then digging through the dumpsters is worth it. I make paintings too.

Artist Bio

sand texture

I am a multi-media artist living in Lansdale, Pennsylvania with my fiancé and our dog (Tink). I began my education in art therapy at Holy Family University, and earned my Master’s in Fine Art from PAFA in 2021. In my artistic practice I work with functional household pieces, industrial materials, toys, clay, paper mache, and fabric. I also use oil paint, watercolor, collage, video, and drawing in my work. I work intuitively with happy accidents that occur during my process. I am driven to create work that makes viewers question their beliefs about what it means to connect with others.

black sand texture
background texture of beach